Program Highlights

  • This M.S. program is intended for students who have already earned a bachelor’s degree and are now interested in seeking a K-6 teacher licensure program. So, people who have earned a bachelor’s degree in a non-teaching major and who are seeking initial K-6 licensure and also people who have earned a bachelor’s degree in a teaching major and are now seeking additional licensure in K-6.
  • Finish fast! This program can be completed in four semesters! This allows you to enter the profession sooner than you might have expected.
  • The program is a cohort-based program which means you will study with the same group of professionals throughout your program. This allows you to get to know others seeking the same goals while making lifelong connections.
  • The courses vary in length during the semester and many of them are 9 weeks or less which allows you to complete more courses to decrease your time to completion! You can attend full-time, but take a part-time schedule!

Contact the Student Support Coordinator, Mandy Quist, for more information on the program and how to get started!

Phone: 507-389-1023