Military Science Minor
The Military Science and Leadership Department offers a program enabling students/Cadets to compete for a commission as an officer in the United States Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. The four-year Army ROTC curriculum develops the student’s leadership, managerial and organizational abilities. Leadership skills acquired through ROTC and the practical application of skills provided in the program transfer easily to civilian career goals.
Our classes are held in Wiecking Center on the campus of Minnesota State University Mankato. Through a partnership with MNSU, students enrolled at Gustavus Adolphus College and Bethany Lutheran College may take military science classes by enrolling there and attending at MNSU.
Minnesota State University Army ROTC offers merit-based scholarships that can pay up to the full cost of tuition and open educational opportunities with options to serve in the Reserve, National Guard or Active Duty components.

Program Requirements
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-1B
Prerequisites: none
Diverse Cultures: Purple
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-11
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-05
Prerequisites: none
Prerequisites: MSL 301
Prerequisites: Limited to Cadets contracted with the US Army.
Prerequisites: MSL 301, MSL 302
Prerequisites: MSL 301, MSL 302
Prerequisites: MSL 210
Prerequisites: none
Goal Areas: GE-05, GE-09