Military Science Minor

The Military Science and Leadership Department offers a program enabling students/Cadets to compete for a commission as an officer in the United States Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. The four-year Army ROTC curriculum develops the student’s leadership, managerial and organizational abilities. Leadership skills acquired through ROTC and the practical application of skills provided in the program transfer easily to civilian career goals.

Our classes are held in Wiecking Center on the campus of Minnesota State University Mankato. Through a partnership with MNSU, students enrolled at Gustavus Adolphus College and Bethany Lutheran College may take military science classes by enrolling there and attending at MNSU.

Minnesota State University Army ROTC offers merit-based scholarships that can pay up to the full cost of tuition and open educational opportunities with options to serve in the Reserve, National Guard or Active Duty components.

Current Catalog Year
Years 2024-2025
Total Credits

Program Requirements


A course in communication principles to develop skills in the analysis and presentation of speeches.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-1B

This course will examine the Vietnam War. Students will discover how and why the U.S. became involved in Vietnam, examine the specific problems faced by American diplomats and military officials, and how the war affected American society.

Prerequisites: none

Diverse Cultures: Purple

This class is open to all students. Please note, this is a physically demanding class. It is a comprehensive fitness program based on the latest military fitness techniques and principles. Students participate in and learn the components of an effective physical fitness program, with emphasis on the development of an individual fitness program and the role of exercise and fitness in one's life. In addition, students will achieve the highest standards of physical fitness in preparation for the Army Physical Fitness Test. This class is a pre-requisite for MSL 403.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-11

This course is designed to provide an overview of American Military history from the Revolutionary War to the present, with emphasis on the post World War I era. It examines the cause, conduct, consequences, and historical threads of military conflict.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05

Cadets will study, practice, and apply the fundamentals of Army Leadership, Officership, Army Values and Ethics, Personal Development, and small unit tactics at the platoon level. At the conclusion of this course, Cadets will be capable of planning, coordinating, navigating, motivating and leading a squad and platoon in the execution of a mission during a classroom PE, a Leadership Lab, or during a Leader Training Exercise (LTX).

Prerequisites: none

Continuation of MSL 301 course.

Prerequisites: MSL 301

This course is a rigorous and demanding 35-day internship held at an off campus Army installation and is designed to develop and evaluate leadership ability and determine preparedness to become commissioned Army officers. Cadets train in physically and mentally challenging situations and undergo testing on a variety of skills and topics. Pre-req: Limited to cadets contracted with the US Army ROTC

Prerequisites: Limited to Cadets contracted with the US Army.

An advanced course that places primary emphasis on Officership with our MS IV cadets who are our educational main effort; MS 401 and 402 together refine and ultimately completes the Cadet-to-commissioned officer transition. In MS 401 Mission Command and ethics is stressed along to assist the Cadet in further embracing their future role as an Army officer.

Prerequisites: MSL 301, MSL 302

The culmination of a four-year sequential, progressive, challenging developmental leadership experience. It is during this final semester that the Cadet is undergoing final preparation for the duties and responsibilities of a commissioned officer along with their integration into the Army. The emphasis is placed on critical knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies skills newly commissioned officers.

Prerequisites: MSL 301, MSL 302

Students plan, organize and lead individual and team oriented physical conditioning activities. These activities are geared toward the physical development and instruction of underclassmen. MSL 403 students also administer fitness tests to underclassmen which measure the cardiovascular endurance and upper and lower body strengths. MSL 403 students are required to successfully pass the Army Physical Fitness Test prior to the end of the semester. Limited to ROTC cadets who executed an enlistment contract with the U.S. Army.

Prerequisites: MSL 210

Become informed enough to play your part in governing the United States. Start by learning about the Constitution, our rights and freedoms, how the national government works and the opportunities and challenges of citizen influence. Political Science methods, and the challenges of citizenship are emphasized.

Prerequisites: none

Goal Areas: GE-05, GE-09