Professional Communication

Professional educators are held to a higher standard in which ethics are a critical component to our profession. Candidates must adhere to the ethical standards of the teaching profession as identified in the Code of Ethics for Teachers as well as demonstrate commitment and adherence to the Professional Dispositions identified as critical for Minnesota State, Mankato students.

General information

Professional Communication is the communication between initial and practicing teacher candidates and the College of Education (through its faculty), regarding the candidate's competency in education standards and demonstration of professional dispositions.

Faculty are expected to participate in ongoing monitoring and evaluation of candidates' academic achievements, dispositions and professional development and take steps to halt behaviors that are problematic. Isolated episodes of problem behavior or patterns of behavior warrant more formal methods than one-on-one conversations with the candidate, faculty are encouraged to follow the following process. 

If you receive notification that a Professional Communication has been submitted for you, it is advised that you connect with the faculty member who has submitted the Professional Communication, in order to best identify the issue and improve your chances for success.

Students can appeal to the Professional Education Policy, Procedures, and Review Board at any point in the process.