Professional Dispositions

To ensure successful program completion, the College of Education has identified dispositions (behaviors and attitudes) considered to be essential professional behavior. Professional Education candidate dispositions are assessed through reflections and observations at admission, during the program, and at program completion.

Dispositional Area 1: Collaboration/Collegiality 
  • Candidates work collaboratively with colleagues and other professionals.  
  • Candidates assume responsibility for their learning process by engaging with stakeholders to ensure learner growth.  
Dispositional Area 2: Diversity 
  • Candidates seek to understand and explore individual differences and diverse cultures and communities.  
  • Candidates contribute to an environment that is inclusive of all stakeholders 
Dispositional Area 3: Demeanor in Professional Responsibilities Across Stakeholders 
  • Candidates demonstrate professional demeanor in interactions with all stakeholders.  
Dispositional Area 4: Ethical Practice 
  • Candidates adhere to standards of professional conduct. 
Dispositional Area 5: Intellectual Curiosity 
  • Candidates engage in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem-solving.  
Dispositional Area 6: Reflection 
  • Candidates use relevant and varied sources of information for decision-making.