Meet Elias Hernandez: K-12 & Secondary Programs Pinning Speaker

Elias Hernandez has been selected to serve as the K-12 & Secondary Programs student speaker for the College of Education Pinning Ceremony on May 6th. The Pinning ceremony recognizes our undergraduate Bachelor of Science in teaching graduates and graduate-level initial licensure graduates.

A native of Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, Elias is graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Music Education, K-12 Instrumental and Classroom Music. During his time at Minnesota State University, Mankato, Elias was involved in a variety of organizations including Concert Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Jazz Big Band, Jazz Lab Band, Maverick Fusion, and the Maverick Machine. Elias conducted his student teaching at the Waseca Intermediate School.

A fond memory that Elias has from student teaching was when his students sang their favorite acapella song. “Listening to my fourth-grade students sing one of their favorite songs from class completely acapella, without me directing—purely out of love for the music.” When asked what drew him to music education, Elias explained, “Music has always been a large part of what gives my life purpose and having the opportunity to share that gift with beginning musicians made it an easy decision to study music.”

While attending the university, Elias enjoyed working with his professors. “I enjoy how my professors here have been accessible and easy to work with.” For individuals considering a field in music education, Elias advises, “Learn how to break large tasks into manageable pieces. Music Education can be quite rigorous and learning how to pace yourself early in the career will serve you well down the road.”

A quote that has inspired Elias throughout his life is, “In learning, you will teach, and in teaching, you will learn.” Beyond the classroom, Elias’s hobbies include singing, gardening, cooking, baking, and kayaking.

After graduation, Elias plans to “take a vacation and enjoy life at a slower pace for the first time in a while!”

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