Toddler Room

Ages 16 - 35 Months

While in the Toddler Room, children ages 16-35 months are encouraged to develop their independence, while we keep in mind each individual's varying time schedule and needs. The equipment we have encourages the children's emerging independence. The staff, routine and environment all promote your children's independence and growth. Children are encouraged to develop language through conversations at mealtimes, circle times and with each other when disagreements arise. Biting, pushing and scratching may occur. Children are encouraged to "use words" and to give gentle touches as the means of acceptable communication.

The Toddler Room is licensed for 21 toddlers with a ratio of 1 staff person to 5 children.


Toddler Room Schedule

 7:30-8:30: The children are arriving. The children can take part in activities like sensory play, reading books, and playing with manipulatives from the shelf.

8:30-9:00: Breakfast

9:00-10:30: While diapering and toileting are occurring, we will do small group activities and creative expression. This may include shelf toys, block play, dramatic play, coloring, and music. 

10:15-11:05: Outdoor time (Large motor play in the hallway from 10:00 to 10:30 in the case of rain. If indoors, activities may include playdough, the sensory table, and art until 11:00.) 

11:00-11:25: Diaper checks and toileting will occur as children engage in free choice play with shelf toys and loose parts. The children may also engage in other activities, including the use of the tunnels and tents.

11:25-12:00: Lunch.

11:55-12:15: Diaper checks and toileting occur.

12:00-2:30: Rest time (Quiet play and activities occur as children are waking up. This may include reading books, coloring, playing in the sensory tub, playdough, and doing puzzles.) Diaper checks and toileting also occur at this time.

2:30-3:00: All children are awake by 2:30. The children are involved in activities with the teaching staff that may include shelf toys, cabinet toys, and reading books.

2:55-3:25: Snack

3:25-5:00: Outdoor play. (We will go to the hallway from 3:25 to 4:00 if it is raining.) Diaper checks and toileting will occur during this time frame.

5:00-5:30: Departure time. Children can do self-directed learning.

Scheduling notes

• Please have your child here by 8:45 for breakfast to give him or her at least 15 minutes to eat.

• The outdoor schedule may change from season to season.

• Between activities, there is time allowed for transitions.

• Based on the toddlers’ needs, times may vary slightly.