Anthology Portfolio for Students

The College of Education uses Anthology Portfolio (a) to gather program-level information on student progress in a central location, (b) to document assessments of content standards and the Minnesota Standards of Effective Practice, and (c) to provide information to program faculty on student progress in meeting standards. There is no fee for students to use Anthology Portfolio. 

Students use Anthology Portfolio to track hours and assessments in field experience and student teaching placements and to submit key assessments and related forms for your licensure program. 

You will receive an email notification when your Anthology Portfolio account is activated. If you do not receive a notification email, follow the instructions below for requesting a password reset.

Review the Introduction to Anthology Portfolio for Student video and the How-to Video Playlist for Students for instructions and guidance on setting up a portfolio and submitting assessments.

Email Jerrad Aspelund, Research Analyst, College of Education at with questions related to the software.

First-Time Login and Resetting a Password
  1. Follow this link to request a password reset.
  2. Enter your email address. Mentor teachers will enter their district email address.
  3. Checkyour inbox and your junk folder for the password recovery email. The email will come from 
  4. Follow the link in the email to reset your password. 
  5. If you still cannot login, e-mail Jerrad Aspelund at 

Helpful Links

Anthology Portfolio Login Page

Anthology Portfolio Introduction for Students

HOW-TO VIDEO playlist for students

Anthology Portfolio User Guide