Advising & Resources in the College of Education

College of Education

The College of Education Academic Advising Office, led by the Student Advising Director, provides undergraduate education students with the advising services they need on their journey toward gaining degrees and teaching licensure. We view advising as a partnership and look forward to working with you on your path toward success. We recommend that you meet with us at least once each semester to ensure careful planning for your degree completion.

Contact Us

College of Education Advising Office
115 Armstrong Hall
Minnesota State University, Mankato
Mankato, MN 56001

Email Us

Phone: 507-389-1215

In Person Office Hours
M – F: 8:00 am – 4:30 pm

Apply Now: Special Education Major Apply Now: Elementary Education Major

Elementary Education Applicants: This application cannot be saved. Please do not start the application until you have all materials, including your video, ready to submit.

Schedule an appointment on Navigate360 (MavConnect)


Photo of Navigate360 login

Appointments can be held in person or over Zoom. Log into Navigate360 (MavConnect) to schedule and select your preference. We look forward to working with you!

Advising Availability
M-F 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Schedule an Appointment


College of Education advising staff posing with smiles outside in front of a pine tree

Tracy Stokes-Hernandez

College of Education | Academic Advising

Megan Denhof

College of Education | Academic Advising

Megan Denhof, Academic Advisor for the College of Education.

Jill Ryan

College of Education | Academic Advising | Center for Educator Partnerships & Student Support


Amritha Ramsankar
Graduate Assistant


Advising in the College of Education

The College of Education Advising Office is here to support you as you work toward admission into your major. Once you are admitted into your major, you are assigned to a faculty advisor from within your program.


Minnesota State University, Mankato urges you to apply for Teacher Licensure as soon as you complete the program and additional requirements.

Professional Education

All teacher candidates are required to be assessed at the beginning of their education program. This assessment takes place during admission into Professional Education. Both undergraduate and graduate students seeking initial licensure are included in this process.

Scholarships and Grants

Minnesota State University, Mankato is fortunate to have generous individuals who donate to scholarship funds. Scholarships and grants are crucial to assist our students in meeting financial obligations while fully engaging in their programs to effectively prepare for the profession.

Preparing for Graduation in the College of Education

You should begin your graduation preparation when you reach 90 total credits - typically this is one year before your anticipated graduation date.

COE Learning Communities

COE students have multiple Learning Community opportunities. The Learning Community supports your academic success through taking classes with others in the community, providing a peer mentor to plan activities and study sessions, and allows you pre-registration in approved courses.

COE Group Advising Spring 2025

Current College of Education teacher-prep students should consider attending one of the group advising sessions in preparation of selecting their next semester courses.