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- College of Education
- Advising & Resources in the College of Education
- Licensure
- Licensure Areas
Licensure Areas
Elementary & Literacy Education
Elementary Education K-6 (BS)
Elementary Education K-6 (MS)
Middle School for Elementary Education
5 - 12 Licensure programs
Business Ed 5-12 (collaborative program with Winona State)
Communication Arts and Literature 5-12 (English/Speech)
Developmental/Adaptive P.E. Pre K-12
Family Consumer Science 5-12
Health Science (5-12) & Physical Education (K-12) DUAL Licensure
Mathematics 5-12
Social Studies 5-12
k- 12 Licensure programs
Music (vocal and instrumental) K-12
Teaching English as a Second Language K-12
Visual Arts K-12
World Languages and Cultures (Spanish/French/German) K-12
Science Teaching
Chemistry 9-12 (with General Science 5-8)
Earth and Space 9-12 (with General Science 5-8)
Life Science 9-12 (with General Science 5-8)
Physics 9-12 (with General Science 5-8)
Graduate Initial Licensure (5-12 and K-12)
Middle School for secondary
Add-on programs
Computer Keyboard and Technology
Reading (K-12 Reading Teacher)
Library Media Specialist K-12
special Education
Academic and Behavioral Strategist K- 12, Undergraduate
Academic and Behavioral Strategist K- 12, graduate
Autism Spectrum Disorder (Graduate)
Developmental Disabilities (Graduate) K-12
Early Childhood Special Education (Graduate) Birth to age 6
Emotional/Behavioral Disorders (Graduate) K-12
Learning Disabilities (Graduate) K-12
Counseling & Student Personnel
School Counseling K-12
Community Ed. Director
K-12 Principal
Special Education, Director of