The College of Education at Minnesota State Mankato houses several centers and institutes that focus on specific areas of education and offer specialized outreach to education professionals.
The Office of Assessment and Research (OAR) supports the College of Education in maintaining and advancing quality programs through effective use of data in planning and decision making.
The College of Education (COE) Center for Educator Support (CES) provides professional development for educators in P-12 and university classrooms and to prepare mentor teachers and supervisors.
The Center for Educator Partnerships and Student Support (CEPSS) focuses on developing and supporting partnerships between the College and schools/communities.
The Center for Engaged Leadership works in collaboration with the Department of Educational Leadership as a community of scholars and practitioners committed to advancing student achievement in Minnesota public schools.
Nationally accredited since 2011, Children’s House provides early learning opportunities and all-day care for infants through preschoolers in a secure, fun and educational environment.
The Office of Field and International Experience provides teacher candidates with real-world experiences in classrooms both close to home and around the globe.
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